Publications & Talks
List of Selected Publications
N. Lazarev, V. Gohil, J. Tsai, A. Anderson, B. Chitlur, Z. Zhang, and C. Delimitrou, “Sabre: Improving Memory Prefetching in Serverless MicroVMs with Near-Memory Hardware-Accelerated Compression”, To Appear, OSDI’24
N. Lazarev*, T. Ji*, A. Kalia, D. Kim, I. Marinos, F. Y. Yan, C. Delimitrou, Z. Zhang, A. Akella, “Resilient Baseband Processing in Virtualized RANs with Slingshot”, ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), September 2023, New York City
N. Lazarev, N. Adit, S. Xiang, Z. Zhang, C. Delimitrou, “Dagger: Efficient and Fast RPCs in Cloud Microservices with Near-Memory Reconfigurable NICs”, Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), April 2021, Virtual – IEEE MICRO Top Pick Honorable Mention Award
N. Lazarev, N. Adit, S. Xiang, Z. Zhang, C. Delimitrou, “Dagger: Towards Efficient RPCs in Cloud Microservices with Near-Memory Reconfigurable NICs”, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, August 2020
Other Publications & Preprints
J. Umeike, S. Agarwal, N. Lazarev, M. Alian, “Userspace Networking in gem5”, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), May 2024
Y. Li, N. Lazarev, D. Koufaty, Y. Yin, A. Anderson, Z. Zhang, E. Suh, K. Kaffes, C. Delimitrou, “Towards Fast, Adaptive, and Hardware-Assisted User-Space Scheduling”, International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), March 2024
D. Kim, N. Lazarev, T. Tracy, F. Siddique, H. Namkung, J. Hoe, V. Sekar, K. Skadron, Z. Zhang, S. Seshan, “A Roadmap for Enabling a Future-Proof In-Network Computing Data Plane Ecosystem”, Arxiv pre-print, October, 2021
A. Syritsky, K. Potapov, D. Boldasov, N. Lazarev, A. Komshin, “Evaluation of the Phase-Chronometric System for Diagnosing Rotating Machinery”, “Stankoinstrument”, June 2019, (in Russian)
D. Boldasov, N. Lazarev, A. Syritsky, “Phase-Chronometric System for Monitoring Turning Processes”, “The Devices”, May 2015, (in Russian)
List of Patents
“Dynamic Re-Routing and Modification of Layer Traffic in Virtualized RANs”, A. Kalia, D. Kim, I. Marinos, T. Jiang, N. Lazarev, V. Bahl, US patent, registration number: US20230388234A1, 2023
“Precise FPGA-based time measurement system for real-time turning process monitoring”, A. Syritsky, D. Boldasov, N. Lazarev, A. Komshin, Russian patent, registration number: RU2019610688, 2016
List of Public Talks
“CPU-free Datamovement in the Cloud”, lighting talk, Google Networking Research Summit’22, Google, Virtual, USA
“Towards CPU-free Remote Procedure Calls in Datacenters”, CS Systems Lunch @Cornell, October 2021, Ithaca, NY, USA
“Efficient and Fast Cloud RPC Stacks with Closely-Coupled Reconfigurable NICs”, XACC Center @UIUC, May 2021, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
“Fast RPCs for Cloud Microservices Using Near-Memory Reconfigurable NICs”, e-Workshop, JUMP CRISP, April 2021, Charlottesville, VA, USA
“Dagger: Efficient and Fast RPCs in Cloud Microservices with Near-Memory Reconfigurable NICs”, ASPLOS’21, April 2021, Detroit, MI, USA
List of Awards
- IEEE Micro “Top Picks from the Computer Architecture Conferences”: Honorable Mention, 2022
- Cornell Graduate Research Fellowship (Jacobs Scholarship), 2019
- Samsung R&D "Above and Beyond Award", 2015